Reading xAPI Statements
Querying Your Statements
After sending xAPI statements, you can retrieve them using the same endpoint:
Important Security Notes
Users can only read statements about themselves
The DID in the JWT (X-VP header) must match the actor's DID
A 401 error means either:
Invalid authentication
Trying to read another user's statements
Expired or malformed JWT
Delegated Access
If you need to allow another party to read statements:
Create a delegate credential:
Use the delegate credential to create a presentation:
Use this JWT in the X-VP header to read statements
Voiding Statements
To remove a statement (mark it as void):
Important: You can only void statements that you created.
Validation Tips
Check Response Status:
200: Success
401: Authentication/permission error
Other: Server/request error
Common Implementation Issues:
JWT not matching actor DID
Missing or malformed agent parameter
Incorrect content type header
Missing xAPI version header
Testing Checklist:
Can read own statements
Cannot read others' statements
Delegate access works as expected
Can void own statements
Cannot void others' statements
Remember: The xAPI server maintains strict permissions - users can only read and modify their own statements unless explicitly delegated access by the statement owner.
Last updated
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