The VC-API plugin makes it easy for your LearnCard to interact with a VC-API endpoint like LearnCard Bridge.

The VC-API Plugin:

  • Exposes signing and verification methods using a VC-API.

  • Enables discovery of the VC-API's Issuer DID automatically if it has a /did endpoint. Alternatively, the VC-API plugin requires the implementer to specify the Issuer DID the API controls.

  • Validates all inputs/outputs to intelligently prevent ill-formed requests, and guarantees the VC-API returns well-formed responses.


// Initializes a LearnCard default connected to
const defaultApi = await initLearnCard({ vcApi: true });

// Initializes a LearnCard connected to a custom VC-API, with Issuer DID specified.
const customApi = await initLearnCard({ vcApi: '', did: 'did:key:123' });

// Initializes a LearnCard connected to a custom VC-API that implements /did discovery endpoint.
const customApiWithDIDDiscovery = await initLearnCard({ vcApi: '' });

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