Custom AchievementTypes
, include the ext:
prefix and allow for user-defined or external achievements. These custom types must adhere to specific formatting rules.
Rules for Custom Types
Prefix : Custom types must begin with ext:
Validation : Custom types must match the regex:
Copy ^([a-zA-Z]+\s*){3,25}$
Structure : Custom types follow this format:
Copy ext:LCA_CUSTOM:<CategoryType>:<TransformedAchievementType>
Example: ext:LCA_CUSTOM:Learning History:The_Coolest_Dog
Formatting Logic
Custom types are formatted using helper functions:
Capitalize Words
Converts lowercase strings like cool cat
to Cool Cat
Copy const capitalizeWordsAfterSpace = (str: string): string => {
return str.replace(/(?:^|\s)\w/g, (match) => match.toUpperCase());
Replace Spaces with Underscores
Converts "Cool Cat" to "Cool_Cat":
Copy const replaceWhiteSpacesWithUnderscores = (str: string): string => {
return str.replace(/\s+/g, '_');
Construct the Final Type
Combines the category and transformed achievement type:
Copy const constructCustomType = (categoryType: string, customAchievementType: string) => {
const capitalized = capitalizeWordsAfterSpace(customAchievementType);
const transformed = replaceWhiteSpacesWithUnderscores(capitalized);
return `ext:LCA_CUSTOM:${categoryType}:${transformed}`;
Copy constructCustomType("Learning History", "The Coolest Dog");
// Output: ext:LCA_CUSTOM:Learning History:The_Coolest_Dog
Internal Handling of Custom Types
Custom types are processed internally using the following helper functions:
Check if a Type is Custom
This function checks if a given type string contains the LCA_CUSTOM
Copy export const isCustomType = (str: string): boolean => {
const regex = /LCA_CUSTOM/;
const result = regex.test(str);
return result;
Extract Achievement Type from Custom Type
This function extracts the specific achievement type from a custom type string:
Copy export const getAchievementTypeFromCustomType = (str: string) => {
// ie: str -> "ext:LCA_CUSTOM:Learning History:The_Coolest_Dog";
const regex = /^((?:[^:]+:){3})([^:]+)/;
const result = str.match(regex)?.[2]; // "The_Coolest_Dog"
return result;
Extract Category Type from Custom Type
This function extracts the category type from a custom type string:
Copy export const getCategoryTypeFromCustomType = (str: string) => {
// ie: str -> "ext:LCA_CUSTOM:Learning History:The_Coolest_Dog";
const regex = /(?:[^:]*:){2}([^:]*)(?::|$)/;
const result = str.match(regex)?.[1]; // "Learning History"
return result;
How do I pass a type into a credential?
Types can be passed into credentials using the newCredential
method. Here is an example:
Passing a standard type:
Copy // Returns an unsigned, achievement credential
const achievementCredential = learnCard.invoke.newCredential({ type: 'CommunityService' });
Passing a custom type:
Copy // Returns an unsigned, custom credential
const customCredential = learnCard.invoke.newCredential({ type: 'ext:LCA_CUSTOM:Learning History:The_Coolest_Dog' });
Can I create new categories?
No, our system only supports the following pre defined categories
Copy export const CATEGORIES = {
Achievement: 'Achievement',
ID: 'ID',
LearningHistory: 'Learning History',
WorkHistory: 'Work History',
SocialBadge: 'Social Badge',
Membership: 'Membership',
Accomplishment: 'Accomplishment',
Accommodation: 'Accommodation',
Family: 'Family',
How do I validate a custom type?
to ensure compliance:
Copy /^([a-zA-Z]+\s*){3,25}$/;
You can also test the formatting of your custom type to ensure it works internally:
Check if the type is custom: Use the isCustomType
Copy const isCustom = isCustomType('ext:LCA_CUSTOM:Learning History:The_Coolest_Dog');
console.log(isCustom); // Output: true
Extract the achievement type: Use the getAchievementTypeFromCustomType
Copy const achievementType = getAchievementTypeFromCustomType('ext:LCA_CUSTOM:Learning History:The_Coolest_Dog');
console.log(achievementType); // Output: The_Coolest_Dog
Extract the category type: Use the getCategoryTypeFromCustomType
Copy const categoryType = getCategoryTypeFromCustomType('ext:LCA_CUSTOM:Learning History:The_Coolest_Dog');
console.log(categoryType); // Output: Learning History