
The Ceramic Plugin adds support for storing and retrieving credentials on Ceramic. It exposes the ability to publish and read from Ceramic, as well as providing access to a Ceramic client object with a did attached to it.

This plugin implements the Read and Store Planes.


pnpm i @learncard/ceramic-plugin

Uploading to Ceramic

To upload a credential to Ceramic, you may use the Store Plane:

const uri = await learnCard.store.Ceramic.upload(vc);

Uploading to Ceramic with Encryption

To upload a credential to Ceramic using encryption, you may use the Store Plane:

// Encrypted, only the controller(s) can decrypt
const uri = await learnCard.store.Ceramic.uploadEncrypted(vc);

Ceramic's uploadEncrypted method encrypts VCs as JWEs with the controller's DID and other specified recipients (see below for advanced encryption options). JOSE encryption is implemented with ECDH-ES+XC20PKW on the x25519curve with a key length of 256. This is handled by the did-jwt library from the Decentralized Identity Foundation.

Note: Additional metadata is not, by default, encrypted.

Reading from Ceramic

To read a credential from Ceramic, you may use the Read Plane:

const vc = await learnCard.read.get(uri);

Ceramic's getmethod will decrypt any JWE encrypted credentials (see uploadEncrypted) when reading, using the learnCard's DID (learnCard.id.did()). If the learnCard's DID is not a recipient of the JWE, reading the credential will fail.

Getting the Ceramic Client

To get access to the Ceramic Client, use the getCeramicClient method:

const ceramic = learnCard.invoke.getCeramicClient();

Advanced Encryption Settings

As indicated above, when using learnCard.store.Ceramic.uploadEncrypted(vc), uploaded VCs are encrypted using default settings.

Upload & Get Encrypted Credential:

const user = await initLearnCard({ seed: '123', debug: console.log })
const malicious = await initLearnCard({ seed: '666', debug: console.log });

const uvc = user.invoke.getTestVc();   
const vc = await  user.invoke.issueCredential(uvc);
const streamId = await user.store.Ceramic.uploadEncrypted(vc);

// Should properly retrieve credential!  ✅
await user.read.get(streamId);

// Should error -  Could not decrypt credential - DID not authorized. ❌
await malicious.read.get(streamId);

Upload & Get Shared Encrypted Credential:

In addition to encrypting VCs for the controller, you can pass additional params of the following shape, to learnCard.store.Ceramic.uploadEncrypted(vc, params):

// params in uploadEncrypted(vc, params):
type EncryptionParams = {
    recipients: string[]; // DIDs who can also decrypt the credential, in addition to the controller

You can play with the following examples in the LearnCard CLI:

const user = await initLearnCard({ seed: '123', debug: console.log })
const malicious = await initLearnCard({ seed: '666', debug: console.log });
const friend = await initLearnCard({ seed: '808', debug: console.log });

const sharedStreamId = await user.store.Ceramic.uploadEncrypted(vc, { recipients: [friend.id.did()] });

// Should properly retrieve credential!  ✅
await user.read.get(sharedStreamId);
// Should properly retrieve credential!  ✅
await friend.read.get(sharedStreamId);

// Should error -  Could not decrypt credential - DID not authorized. ❌
await malicious.read.get(sharedStreamId);

Upload & Get One-Way Encrypted Credential:

To manually set encryption settings, you should directly use learnCard.invoke.publishContentToCeramic(vc, encryption) and pass in your encryption params:

Ceramic's specific encryption param is of the following shape:

export type CeramicEncryptionParams = {
    encrypt: boolean; // Enables / disables JWE encryption
    controllersCanDecrypt?: boolean; // Adds the controller DIDs to the recipients list
    recipients?: string[] | undefined; // Specifies which DIDs can decrypt the credential
    options?: CreateJWEOptions | undefined; // Additional options, https://did.js.org/docs/api/modules/dids#createjweoptions
const user = await initLearnCard({ seed: '123', debug: console.log })
const malicious = await initLearnCard({ seed: '666', debug: console.log });
const friend = await initLearnCard({ seed: '808', debug: console.log });

const unidirectionalStreamId = await user.invoke.publishContentToCeramic(vc, { encrypt: true, controllersCanDecrypt: false, recipients: [friend.id.did()] });

// Should properly retrieve credential!  ✅
await friend.read.get(unidirectionalStreamId);

// Should error -  Could not decrypt credential - DID not authorized. ❌
await user.read.get(unidirectionalStreamId);
// Should error -  Could not decrypt credential - DID not authorized. ❌
await malicious.read.get(unidirectionalStreamId);

You can also use publishContentToCeramic to upload VPs! Try:

learnCard.invoke.publishContentToCeramic(vp, encryption)

Last updated