The LearnCard Type

What is a LearnCard?

To add better type safety to a project using LearnCards, it is highly recommended you use TypeScript and take advantage of the LearnCard type.

How to use the LearnCard type

Option 1: Specify a list of plugins

If you know the exact order and number of plugins you have, you can use the LearnCard type to specify a LearnCard with those plugins like so:

import { LearnCard } from '@learncard/core';
import { PluginA, PluginB, PluginC } from './plugins';

type CustomLearnCard = LearnCard<[PluginA, PluginB, PluginC]>;

With this code, CustomLearnCard will automatically infer all methods and planes implemented by PluginA, PluginB, and PluginC!

Option 2: Specify implemented planes and/or methods

If you don't know the exact order and number of plugins you have, but you know that you would like to specify a LearnCard that implements certain planes or methods, you can do that like this:

import { LearnCard } from '@learncard/core';

type ImplementsIdPlane = LearnCard<any, 'id'>;
type ImplementsFoo = LearnCard<any, any, { foo: () => 'bar'; }>;
type ImplementsBoth = LearnCard<any, 'id', { foo: () => 'bar': }>;

With this code, ImplementsIdPlane will accept any LearnCard that has plugins that implement the ID Control Plane, ImplementsFoo will accept any LearnCard that implements a method named foo that returns 'bar', and ImplementsBoth will accept any LearnCard that implements both.

Last updated

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