As noted in our docs on The Simplest Plugin, if you've never set up a TS/node package before, we greatly recommend using aqu!
yarn dlx aqu create learn-card-example-plugin
? Pick package manager: yarn
? Specify package description: () # Describe your plugin!
? Package author: # Who are you?
? Git repository (only for package.json information):
? Pick license: MIT # See
? Pick template: typescript
cd learn-card-example-plugin
pnpm dlx aqu create learn-card-example-plugin
? Pick package manager: pnpm
? Specify package description: () # Describe your plugin!
? Package author: # Who are you?
? Git repository (only for package.json information):
? Pick license: MIT # See
? Pick template: typescript
cd learn-card-example-plugin
npx aqu create learn-card-example-plugin
? Pick package manager: npm
? Specify package description: () # Describe your plugin!
? Package author: # Who are you?
? Git repository (only for package.json information):
? Pick license: MIT # See
? Pick template: typescript
cd learn-card-example-plugin
Create a Github Repo
If you've selected an open source license (such as MIT or ISC), please make a Github Repo containing the code to your plugin! If you've never done this before, we recommend using the Github CLI.
First, create a Github Account, then install and login with the CLI. This is usually done with the following command:
gh auth login
After getting all setup, initialize and create the repo with the following commands:
git init
echo "node_modules/" >> .gitignore
echo "dist/" >> .gitignore
git add .
git commit -m "Initial Commit"
gh repo create
? What would you like to do? Push an existing local repository to GitHub
? Path to local repository .
? Repository name learn-card-example-plugin
? Description Example LearnCard Plugin!
? Visibility Public
✓ Created repository {REPOSITORY_NAME} on GitHub
? Add a remote? Yes
? What should the new remote be called? origin
✓ Added remote {REPOSITORY_URL}
? Would you like to push commits from the current branch to "origin"? Yes
✓ Pushed commits to {REPOSITORY_URL}
After getting a repo up, it's a good idea to add the URL (shown above as {REPOSITORY_URL}) to the package.json!