Migration Guide

Did you upgrade and something broke? Here's how to fix it!

We try not to needlessly add breaking changes, but sometimes it can happen! To find out how to migrate between versions, follow this guide.

“Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.” - Ursula Le Guin, the Lathe of Heaven

8.0 -> 9.0

BREAKING CHANGE: @learncard/core package split

Breaking Changes

  • initLearnCard is no longer exported by @learncard/core, as it is now the responsibility of @learncard/init

// Old
import { initLearnCard } from '@learncard/core';

// New
import { initLearnCard } from '@learncard/init';
  • The didkit wasm binary is no longer exported by @learncard/core, as it is now the responsibility of @learncard/init

// Old
import didkit from '@learncard/core/dist/didkit/didkit_wasm_bg.wasm';

// New
import didkit from '@learncard/didkit-plugin/dist/didkit/didkit_wasm_bg.wasm';
  • @learncard/network-plugin and @learncard/did-web-plugin no longer export their own version of initLearnCard, and are instead now proper instantiation targets from @learncard/init

// Old
import { initNetworkLearnCard } from '@learncard/network-plugin';
import { initDidWebLearnCard } from '@learncard/did-web-plugin';

const networkLearnCard = await initNetworkLearnCard({ seed: 'a'.repeat(64) });
const didWebLearnCard = await initDidWebLearnCard({ seed: 'a'.repeat(64), didWeb: 'did:web:test' });

// New
import { initLearnCard } from '@learncard/init';

const networkLearnCard = await initLearnCard({ seed: 'a'.repeat(64), network: true });
const didWebLearnCard = await initLearnCard({ seed: 'a'.repeat(64), didWeb: 'did:web:test' });

Migration Steps

For the most part, you can just rename @learncard/core to @learncard/init, and everything should just work, with the exceptions listed above! In the rare case that doesn't immediately work, you may need to import something directly from the plugin itself, such as the case with the didkit wasm binary.


With this change, @learncard/core becomes version 9.0, however it also becomes much less public facing compared to the newly released @learncard/init (version 1.0). This documentation will continue to use the @learncard/core versioning.

7.0 -> 8.0

BREAKING CHANGE: Control Planes Overhaul

Breaking Changes

  • Universal Wallets are now returned directly by initLearnCard, rather than a wrapped object.

    • This means you can now call addPlugin directly on the return value of initLearnCard:

const learnCard = await initLearnCard();
const bespokeLearnCard = await learnCard.addPlugin(plugin);
  • Universal Wallets now implement Control Planes as well as just methods - These are top-level objects with standardized functions that allow plugins/consumers access to a unified interface for common operations. When it makes sense, a specific plugin implementing a plane can also be chosen, such as choosing where to store a credential when uploading. - There are currently five planes, with more planned for the future:

    • Read, which implements get

      • get simply resolves a URI to a VC

    • Store, which implements upload and (optionally) uploadMany

      • upload stores a VC and returns a URI that can be resolved

      • uploadMany stores an array of VCs, returning an array of URIs that can be resolved

    • Index, which implements get, add, update, and remove

      • get returns a list of the holder's credential objects (currently named IDXCredentials)

        • These objects contain (at a minimum) an id and a uri that can be resolved to a VC

      • add adds a credential to the holder's list

      • update updates an object in the holder's list

      • remove removes an object from the holder's list

    • Cache, which implements getIndex, setIndex, flushIndex, getVc, setVc, and flushVc

      • getIndex returns the hodler's credential list as it exists in the cache

      • setIndex sets the holder's credential list in the cache

      • flushIndex emptys the holder's credential list cache

      • getVc returns a VC for a URI if it exists in the cache

      • setVc sets a VC for a URI in the cache

      • flushVc emptys all VCs from the cache

    • ID, which implements did and keypair

      • did is identical to the previous wallet.did method, returning a did for a given method

      • keypair is identical to the previous wallet.keypair method, returning a JWK for a given cryptographic algorithm

  • Plugins implement planes via the second generic parameter to the Plugin type

    • For example, a plugin implementing the Read and Store planes would be typed like this: Plugin<'Test', 'read' | 'store'>

  • Plugins may continue to expose methods the same way they have, instead using the third generic parameter instead of the second:

    • For example, a plugin implementing the getSubjectDid method would be typed like this: Plugin<'Test', any, { getSubjectDid: (did?: string) => string }>

  • Plugins may depend on wallets that implement planes/methods in the same way

    • For example, a wallet implementing the id plane and the getSubjectDid method may be typed like this: Wallet<any, 'id', { getSubjectDid: (did?: string) => string }>

  • The pluginMethods key has been renamed to methods when creating a plugin, and invoke when calling them from a wallet

  • The old LearnCard type has been removed

  • The Wallet type has been renamed to LearnCard

  • generateWallet has been renamed to generateLearnCard

  • The did method now has had its type loosened to just string

  • The verifyCredential method now returns a VerificationCheck directly, unless you explicitly ask for the prettified version via a flag

    • I.e. wallet.verifyCredential(vc) is now c(vc, {}, true)

  • The name field is now required for plugins, and they may optionally specify a displayName and description

  • walletFromKey has been renamed to learnCardFromSeed

  • walletFromApiUrl has been renamed to learnCardFromApiUrl

  • emptyWallet has been renamed to emptyLearnCard

Migration Steps

For the most part, you can simply rename calls and everything will just work

  • wallet.did is now wallet.id.did

  • wallet.keypair is now wallet.id.keypair

  • wallet.newCredential is now wallet.invoke.newCredential

  • wallet.newPresentation is now wallet.invoke.newPresentation

  • wallet.verifyCredential is now wallet.invoke.verifyCredential

    • As per above, if you'd like to retain the same output format, you will need to pass true as the third argument

      • I.e. wallet.verifyCredential(vc) is now wallet.invoke.verifyCredential(vc, {}, true)

  • wallet.issueCredential is now wallet.invoke.issueCredential

  • wallet.issuePresentation is now wallet.invoke.issuePresentation

  • wallet.verifyPresentation is now wallet.invoke.verifyPresentation

  • wallet.getCredential is a bit more complex, as it was actually wrapping two operations:

    • Getting a credential with a given id

    • Resolving that credential

    • This can now be replaced with the following code:

// Old
const vc = await lc.getCredential('test');

// New
const record = (await lc.index.all.get()).find(record => record.id === 'test');
const vc = await lc.read.get(record.uri);

If this proves to be too cumbersome, we may add back in the getCredential method as helper in invoke

  • wallet.getCredentials has the same issue as wallet.getCredential, it can be replaced with the following code:

const vcs = await lc.getCredentials();

// New
const uris = (await lc.index.all.get()).map(record => record.uri);
const vcs = await Promise.all(uris.map(async uri => lc.read.get(uri)));
  • wallet.getCredentialsList is now wallet.index.all.get

  • wallet.publishCredential is now wallet.store.Ceramic.upload

  • wallet.addCredential is now wallet.index.IDX.add

  • wallet.removeCredential is now wallet.index.IDX.remove

  • wallet.resolveDid is now wallet.invoke.resolveDid

  • wallet.readFromCeramic is now wallet.invoke.readContentFromCeramic

  • wallet.resolveCredential is now wallet.read.get

  • wallet.getTestVc is now wallet.invoke.getTestVc

  • wallet.getTestVp is now wallet.invoke.getTestVp

  • wallet.getEthereumAddress is now wallet.invoke.getEthereumAddress

  • wallet.getBalance is now wallet.invoke.getBalance

  • wallet.getBalanceForAddress is now wallet.invoke.getBalanceForAddress

  • wallet.transferTokens is now wallet.invoke.transferTokens

  • wallet.getCurrentNetwork is now wallet.invoke.getCurrentNetwork

  • wallet.changeNetwork is now wallet.invoke.changeNetwork

  • wallet.addInfuraProjectId is now wallet.invoke.addInfuraProjectId

  • wallet.vpFromQrCode is now wallet.invoke.vpFromQrCode

  • wallet.vpToQrCode is now wallet.invoke.vpToQrCode

  • wallet.installChapiHandler is now wallet.invoke.installChapiHandler

  • wallet.activateChapiHandler is now wallet.invoke.activateChapiHandler

  • wallet.receiveChapiEvent is now wallet.invoke.receiveChapiEvent

  • wallet.storePresentationViaChapi is now wallet.invoke.storePresentationViaChapi

  • wallet.storeCredentialViaChapiDidAuth is now wallet.invoke.storeCredentialViaChapiDidAuth

Because the LearnCard and Wallet types have changed, if you were using either, you will need to update your code:

let test: LearnCard | undefined = undefined; // Old

let test: LearnCardFromSeed['returnValue'] | undefined = undefined; // New
let test: LearnCard<any> | undefined = undefined; // Also valid if you don't know which instantiation function will be used

let test: Wallet<any, { getSubjectDid: (did?: string) => string }>; // Old

let test: LearnCard<any, any, { getSubjectDid: (did?: string) => string }>; // New


We are moving away from the term "wallet", preferring instead to use the term LearnCard in its place. You may notice that in updated documentation and examples, variables named wallet have been replaced with the name learnCard.

Last updated

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