
Profiles may optionally add a notificationsWebhook url, which will cause the LCN service to send payloads of a specific shape to that URL. These payloads are described here.

Connection Request

When requesting a connection with a profile, the target profile will receive a notification payload of the following structure:

    to: {{ targetProfile }},
    from: {{ requesterProfile }},
    message: {
        title: 'New Connection Request',
        body: '{{ requesterProfile.displayName }} has sent you a connection request!'

Where targetProfile and requesterProfile are each LCNProfile objects

Connection Accepted

When accepting a connection request, the profile who requested the connection will receive a notification payload of the following structure:

    to: {{ requesterProfile }},
    from: {{ accepterProfile }},
    message: {
        title: 'Connection Accepted',
        body: '{{ accepterProfile.displayName }} has accepted your connection request!'

Where accepterProfile and requesterProfile are each LCNProfile objects

Credential Received

When sending a credential to a profile, the profile who will receive the credential will receive a notification payload of the following structure:

    to: {{ receiverProfile }},
    from: {{ senderProfile }},
    message: {
        title: 'Credential Received',
        body: '{{ senderProfile.displayName }} has sent you a credential'
    data: { vcUris: [{{ uri }}] }

Where senderProfile and receiverProfile are each LCNProfile objects, and uri is a URI that resolves to the credential that was sent.

Boost Received

When sending a boost to a profile, the profile who will receive the boost will receive a notification payload of the following structure:

    type: 'BOOST_RECEIVED',
    to: {{ receiverProfile }},
    from: {{ senderProfile }},
    message: {
        title: 'Boost Received',
        body: '{{ senderProfile.displayName }} has boosted you!'
    data: { vcUris: [{{ uri }}] }

Where senderProfile and receiverProfile are each LCNProfile objects, and uri is a URI that resolves to the boost that was sent.

Boost Accepted

When accepting a sent boost, the profile who sent the boost will receive a notification payload of the following structure:

    type: 'BOOST_ACCEPTED',
    to: {{ senderProfile }},
    from: {{ receiverProfile }},
    message: {
        title: 'Boost Accepted',
        body: '{{ receiverProfile.displayName }} has accepted your boost'
    data: { vcUris: [{{ uri }}] }

Where senderProfile and receiverProfile are each LCNProfile objects, and uri is a URI that resolves to the boost that was sent.

Presentation Received

When sending a presentation to a profile, the profile who will receive the presentation will receive a notification payload of the following structure:

    to: {{ receiverProfile }},
    from: {{ senderProfile }},
    message: {
        title: 'Presentation Received',
        body: '{{ senderProfile.displayName }} has sent you a presentation'
    data: { vpUris: [{{ uri }}] }

Where senderProfile and receiverProfile are each LCNProfile objects, and uri is a URI that resolves to the presentation that was sent.

When consenting to a Consent Flow Contract, the owner of the contract will receive a notification payload of the following structure:

    to: {{ ownerProfile }},
    from: {{ consenterProfile }},
    message: {
        title: 'New Consent Transaction',
        body: '{{ consenterProfile.displayName }} has just consented to {{ }}!'
    data: { transaction: {{ transaction }} }

Where ownerProfile and consenterProfile are each LCNProfile objects, contract is a ConsentFlowContractDetails object, and transaction is a ConsentFlowTransaction object with its action set to 'consent'.

When a profile consents, withdraws consent, then reconsents to a contract, the owner of the contract will receive a notification payload of the following structure:

    to: {{ ownerProfile }},
    from: {{ consenterProfile }},
    message: {
        title: 'New Consent Transaction',
        body: '{{ consenterProfile.displayName }} has just reconsented to {{ }}!'
    data: { transaction: {{ transaction }} }

Where ownerProfile and consenterProfile are each LCNProfile objects, contract is a ConsentFlowContractDetails object, and transaction is a ConsentFlowTransaction object with its action set to 'consent'.

Updated Terms

When a profile updates its terms to a contract, the owner of the contract will receive a notification payload of the following structure:

    to: {{ ownerProfile }},
    from: {{ consenterProfile }},
    message: {
        title: 'New Consent Transaction',
        body: '{{ consenterProfile.displayName }} has just updated their terms to {{ }}!'
    data: { transaction: {{ transaction }} }

Where ownerProfile and consenterProfile are each LCNProfile objects, contract is a ConsentFlowContractDetails object, and transaction is a ConsentFlowTransaction object with its action set to 'update'.

When a profile withdraws consent to a contract, the owner of the contrct will receive a notification payload of the following structure:

    to: {{ ownerProfile }},
    from: {{ consenterProfile }},
    message: {
        title: 'New Consent Transaction',
        body: '{{ consenterProfile.displayName }} has just withdrawn their terms to {{ }}!'
    data: { transaction: {{ transaction }} }

Where ownerProfile and consenterProfile are each LCNProfile objects, contract is a ConsentFlowContractDetails object, and transaction is a ConsentFlowTransaction object with its action set to 'withdraw'.

Last updated